A new beginning

My name is Alex, and I am the founder behind AskAlex.How.
I have been working in IT for the last 20 years, first as a software engineer and then moved into management and executive leadership roles, across Europe, Australia and the USA. Parallel to this, I have been consulting and building businesses for almost as long. Ask Alex How is a fresh new canvas, not related to a SaaS product I am building, but rather to the value I can bring to others and the relationship that can create.
On this blog I talk about everything IT, from an IT or business leader's perspective mostly. I will, at times, go technical with topics that I am passionate about, as I remain an engineer at heart.
You can subscribe if you'd like to stay up to date and receive emails when new content is published. If you'd like to work together on your IT posture, here is how I can help: askalex.how.
Here's to a new beginning and where this can take us.